Weekends and Self Control

It's been awhile since I made a post, and although nobody is reading this just yet, it's time to come clean. Weekends are a huge struggle for me. It's much easier to eat right on the weekdays, when I have to bring my own food to work and I only have one option for dinner (an option I shop for, so I can control what it is). Weekends, however, are a whole different ballgame. We rarely eat at home, so I have much less control over what food I'm around. Breakfast is almost always at Dunkin Donuts because that's Abbi's favorite breakfast spot. I usually ok there- a good cup of coffee and the guts of a sandwich (either bacon and eggs or chicken salad) are satisfying enough that I'm not usually tempted to eat a donut (although, there are still times when they have a new flavor and the temptation is too strong- but at least Chase and I split one, so it isn't as much of a carb bomb if I only eat half). We normally don't eat lunch on Saturdays, so that isn't the issue either. The issue comes with dinner Saturday and Sunday nights, when we go out.  I am surprised that my sweet tooth isn't what it used to be- the biggest temptation now is bread baskets.

I.LOVE.BREAD. and unfortunately, there just isn't anything that's a very close Keto substitute.  There are some recipes that work for things in a pinch- like a 90 second muffin that you can use for grilled cheese, but none of them have the taste or mouth feel of actual bread.

I know- I could ask that bread not be brought to the table, but that isn't fair to the others dining with me. Especially with Harper, who starts yelling "MORE!" the moment we sit at the table, bread is a way to keep our noise level from bothering our fellow diners. I'm not sure what the solution is here- I try to avoid them, but unfortunately I know how good they taste, and it's very difficult not to want at least a little bite, which normally leads to another little bite, and then the whole roll ends up gone.

So there's my confession for the day- I need to work harder to eat Keto on the weekends.


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